The Thrillah on Manila
Here is my old house on Manila St. in Oakland, California, as photographed by the photographer
Peter Mentzel in 1980, or close to it. This page was ripped from a page of Penthouse Magazine,
a porn magazine which competed with Playboy Magazine back then. Until now, 2016, I had never
seen this version of the picture. I guess it must have been fun to see perhaps the most extravagant
piece of steel yard art reproduced in such a prestigious magazine which, as I recall, featured endless high
quality close up photos of slimey bright pink banana slugs, at least I think that's what they were.
I shall never know, nor shall I care. An artist who thinks he can control where his creation will
appear or what it will be used for is like a mother who thinks she can control her child's destiny.
Still, it can be useful to know the phone number of a good intellectual property rights attorney.
Mark Bulwinkle / 2016 / West Oakland, California